Saturday, June 12, 2010

Keep Imperfections Close But Perfections Closer

I can’t remember growing up thinking perfection does not exist in this world. Perfection in people. Perfection in life. Of course it did. My best friend had perfect parents coz they let her be out till the wee hours of the morning. The guy I had a crush on was perfect boyfriend material coz he was so charming, girls swore by his looks and personality. My friends who had the opportunity to study abroad had and were preparing to have a perfect life. Alas, how wrong was I!

The realisation that nothing is perfect in this world has not dawned on me just yet but what has is that we all have so many perfections and imperfections within us. One can be a bloody good looking individual with a great career but perhaps be grossly impatient and have a bad temper.  We all have so much good in us but it doesn’t come alone, it’s always accompanied with a little bad too.

The key to living our lives in harmony with those we ‘love’, those who matter is to always keep their perfections/ the things they do so well/ things we love about them/ things that make us so proud of them, very close to us, so in times when their imperfections are screaming out aloud, their perfections will help us stay calm and not hurt each other in the process.

For it is such a sad irony of life that it is just these very people who mean the world to us that we hurt the most or who hurt us the most. And what’s even worse is the uncertainty of life –here today, gone tomorrow – so why waste precious moments, precious bonds brooding over the imperfections or actions caused as a result of those, when there’s so much more to rejoice and celebrate.


idletuesdayafternoonthoughts said...

i guess the ones we love most are the ones we take for granted all the time. i guess we think that they will always be there..
maybe thats the mistake we make...

post recipes but write more of this stuff...

this post wants me to say a lot more.. but that in person. HUGS!

Vemuri said...

concur w/ aanchal on this - recipes is ok - but this blog is so true - we brew on negatives n ignore the positive spin - no ones perfect but its the harmony in imperfection which blends :)

Americanising Desi said...

"The key to living our lives in harmony with those we ‘love’, those who matter is to always keep their perfections/ the things they do so well/ things we love about them/ things that make us so proud of them, very close to us, so in times when their imperfections are screaming out aloud, their perfections will help us stay calm and not hurt each other in the process."


Komal-Nishka said...

Thank you all for dropping by and leaving your thoughts behind.

I am going to try to balance it - recipes and emotions and other lifealicious stuff.. :)

Sophia Ali said...

The key to living our lives in harmony with those we ‘love’, those who matter is to always keep their perfections/ the things they do so well/ things we love about them/ things that make us so proud of them, very close to us, so in times when their imperfections are screaming out aloud, their perfections will help us stay calm and not hurt each other in the process. Just like AD...I agree on this...Well said...that's how we balance in perfect harmony...

Janaki said...

Had to delurk for this post.. it's a very profound post. Our conditioning indeed does demand perfection in everything and everyone so much that we just get accustomed to constantly berating ourselves and others and other things.

It is indeed liberating to accept things as they are.. :) More power to you to spread this word.

Komal-Nishka said...

Thanks Janaki, I appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts.

Indeed perfection is something we are always taught to achieve but I am glad my family also taught me to accept. It's something mum says to date & sometimes is an instant lifter :) It's unbelieveable how much power there is in acceptance.

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