Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet. ~Vietnamese Proverb

So to replace the negative emotion with a positive one, I thought it was best to pen down my thoughts of what it means to have a brother in your life. Mine is the only one between us two sisters and the only boy of my parents and I tell you, we all can never get enough of him and that’s why when he’s home – mom’s after him to eat something, dad wants to know what’s happening to the car, I’m trying to get a scoop of what’s happening in his life, he’s trying to catch some action on TV and all this as his phone constantly rings and not to forget beeps of new messages :)
So back to question: What does it mean to have a brother in your life?
There’s a lot of things running in my mind right now, it’s a question I have asked myself for the first time. I list the answers as they come to me
To me having a brother means:
- being lucky – two’s better than one and wait we’re three and it’s awesome
- safety – against all those irritating boys at school
- security – brother’s always there, just a phone call away
- friend – to be able to discuss and share everything you cannot with mom and dad
- comparison – as Jai’s teachers would call and tell me: Komal, how come Jai is not like you – he is soooo naughty? ;)
- supporter – when it’s the right thing, brother supports you all the way
- strength – to fight for what is right or give you that reassurance you sometimes so need
- consultant – what looks good when you’re going out for that oh-so-important-date
- male model - to gain an insight into how young men operate very early on in your life :)
- fame – when he’s one of the smartest boys in the city and girls want to befriend you :)
- anchor - you’re parents will not be alone long after you’re married and gone (hopefully :D, times have changed)
- legacy - your family name goes on
- awesome company – to your hubby when he comes to stay at your parents
- fights - this is mine, no mine, it's my time for the comp - when will you ever get up :)
- discover - the world of action flicks, wrestling, video games
Awww... Wondering written sis.. Its a blessing to hve a brother :)) Seriously will miss u tomm.. God bless...mwah
How true quite a list of advantages, well to add more - d lovely presents u get on rakhi :)besides ur b'day or anni.....
although v dont give tht as such any importance anymore but still
they def knw how to make u feel special in their own way.
thanks Mamtu
Preeti, you're right and all the presents :)
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