Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Second Anniversary Special: Guest Post 2 by Archana Srinivas of Rang-Decor

Hello everyone, this is Archana Srinivas of Rang-Decor. Delighted to be doing a guest post for Lifealicious, as it turns two today. Thank you Komal for inviting me and congratulations on your blog birthday!

While growing up, I remember the lush money plant in various corners of our home, some climbing up, some swirling down, some in cracked mugs. They always seem to bring even the most mundane corner to life with their vibrant green.

ko2 Swirly money plants in recycled wine bottles…

Green indoor plants are a delight and the simplest way to perk up any kind of decor arrangement. At home I have loads of small plants in various corners. Here are a few captures.

My tiny Aloe Vera and other plants at the kitchen counter...

Angel Hair Fern in an antique brass container adds beauty to a dull corner...

Yes, it is a wonderful day isnt it?

So go ahead and place those green plants and see how they bring in beauty and vibrance:-)

Image credit: Archana Srinivas


Priscilla said...

Beautiful post Archana and great pics to boost. I love the idea of growing Aloe vera in coffee mugs. So pretty =)

The black board is so cute, where can I get one?

Shilpa said...

Amazing combo...the bulls, the plants and the painting.....loveeeeed it.

Divaa Divine said...

absolutely inspiring! i dont have indoor plants but i ve always liked the idea!

Bharti said...

Happy Birthday Lifealicious! Good going Nishka!
And these plants look so pretty- love the ones in the three mugs.

VTR Ravi Kumar said...

Those are some superb shots ... I really like the way you see through your camera

Deeba PAB said...

Green and nature add such a beautiful touch to surroundings. What a beautiful post. I have to add more plants. Love the blues!

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